setting up Deja Office on my new iPhone, I have been experimenting with their "Memos" or Reference Database over the last few days. Here is what I have found:
I created a new test document on the iPhone and synched it over to notes. I made sure to choose a category for this test document, and was pleased to find that when I replicated with Notes, my test memo appeared and was correctly categorized.

However, I was away from my computer yesterday and needed to capture some information into my Reference Database. I pulled out my iPhone and quickly created a new Deja Office memo. The information I was recording fell under two categories in my reference database, so as I was adding the category, I chose two categories, everything looked fine, so I saved the memo and double checked that it was recorded in Deja Office - no problem so far.

It was not until I synched Daja Office with Lotus Notes that I noticed the problem. I replicated Notes, then went to my Reference Database and opened the category I had filed the memo under to find the memo. To my surprise, I could not locate the memo under either of the categories I had filed it in, nor could I find it in my uncategorized view. It was not until I searched under "All Documents" that I located my entry. It appears that Deja Office had created a new, invisible category that was a combination of the two categories I entered. This new category does not appear as a category on the left side of my screen.
This is a big problem for me as I often have entries that use multiple categories. I would love to see a solution for this.

I often tell my clients, "I don't believe we will ever see the truly paperless office but I do believe that we can create a less-paper office." I'd like to share with you one way that I recently helped do this for a very special client - my wife, Kathy.
I share a lot of details in the post. For a short overview, click to the image below to watch a brief video. It's a minute and 16 seconds long and shows how the process works, If you want to learn and understand how this all works, then I encourage you to continue reading the rest of this post after you watch the video.
Video: Kathy demonstrates her new digital filing system.
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