This week, I delivered the first of several private webinars, this one for an eProductivity Workgroup Pilot at a large organization on the East Cast. Most of the people on the call were technically savvy but many were new to the GTD methodology.
Using some slides from last year's eProductivity Conference, I began by presenting a brief overview of my eProductivity Equation and some of the GTD principles and concepts that I have found most helpful. Then, we took a tour of some of the key eProductivity features. Finally, we wrapped up with an extended time of Q&A. We did not cover all of eProductivity but we laid a foundation for future webinars.
After the call, I asked my host if I could share the audio portion of the webinar with other eProductivity users; she graciously agreed...
I have edited out several sections of company-specific information. What remains is approximately 81 minutes of audio, divided into three parts:
Part I. Introduction to productivity methodology
The eProductivity Equation
The GTD principles I have found most helpful
Duration: Approximately 31 minutes
Part II. A brief tour of eProductivity for Lotus Notes
Duration: Approximately 20 minutes
Part III. Questions and Answers
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Toward the end of the recording, I provide information for individuals and workgroups that may want to join the eProductivity Workgroup Pilot program.
The recording is fast-paced, as I tried to fit a lot of information into a short period of time but I think it came off OK. Obviously, without video, some of the demo segment may be a little hard to follow but the audio narrative is still quite valuable.
Let me know if you find this webinar recording helpful, if so, perhaps I'll record another one with slides and video to share. I welcome your feedback!
(Note: You may right-click on the link to save the file to your desktop)

Discussion/Comments (4):
Hi Eric
Just listened to your Webinar whilst stuck in an hour long traffic jam.
I am up to speed with GTD so I found the pace of your presentation to be fine. I found it a useful re-cap on GTD, and I have been very interested to hear about GTD using Lotus Notes because I know how passionate you are about LN.
I use Outlook with OneNote 2007 to help manage my projects yet keep a link with the original task. As a non-LN user I wonder if seeing the tutorials etc of your eProductivity would help me decide whether the LN/ eProductivity would be a worthy transition.
Any visuals to go with a presentation like this would fabulous. Also, I wonder whether a comparison/ debate re Outlook vs LN would be worthwhile as from what I hear you say LN is superior at linking and synchronizing which is exciting.
Thank you for posting such a rich webinar for us to hear, and keep up the good work.
Eric Mack ( 2/12/2008 12:30:38 PM
Hello Oliver, Thanks for your feedback. It's not my mission to convert people from Outlook to Lotus Notes, just so that they can benefit from eProductivity. However, I am aware of a small number of people who have done so. My real focus is to show people that use Notes what a powerful solution it can be for personal productivity and knowledge management. We are still active in our workgroup pilots at this time. When that's done and as I move to the public launch campaign, I'll probably do a series of webinars and post them along with the slides on this web site. Stay tuned!
Kia (): 10/2/2009 7:23:32 AM
Hello Eric.
I was just introduced to GTD by a trusted colleague. He specifically mentioned eproductivity as a great tool.
I am anxious to learn more about this, however the link to the webinar seems to be missing. Could you repost please?
Eric Mack ( 10/3/2009 12:29:48 AM
Hello Kia, we have a series of Webinars starting soon. Please monitor or for details. You can download a free trial of eProductivity at the web site. Also, if you choose to sign up for the newsletter you can receive email alerts.