In April, David Allen and I presented two webinars on Getting Things Done with Lotus Notes. We were pleased to have close to 1500 people participate and we received over 200 audience questions during the presentations.
I've decided to launch a podcast series, also called, "Getting Things Done with Lotus Notes." To kick it off, David and I recorded a series of episodes to answer those 200 audience questions (which were impossible to answer during the live webinar broadcast due to sheer volume).

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In Episode #2, topics addressed include:
- How to stay productive when you're feeling overwhelmed by the volume of incoming information
- How to organize all your "collection buckets" - phone, paper, email, etc.
- GTD and cloud computing
- Calendar vs tickler file - what goes where?
- GTD and the tyranny of the urgent
Episode #2 Details:
Length: 18:56 minutes
File Size: 17.3MB

Discussion/Comments (3):
Hi Eric,
I am getting an error on the podcast URL.
Please advise.
Eric Mack ( 8/31/2010 3:53:03 PM
Thanks for the alert. Fixed now. Please try again.