In January 2011, you may recall that we conducted a survey of eProductivity users. Over 400 respondents later, some very interesting data points emerged.
One trend that jumped out was the shift in user satisfaction with IBM Lotus Notes once users installed eProductivity...

If you click the graph above, you'll see the survey source data that this graph is based on. As you can see, we're not making this stuff up.
So what conclusions might we draw from this?
Well, it's no secret that many people dislike the user experience of Lotus Notes. But that might not be telling the whole story here. There are legions of people who dislike (hate?) Microsoft Outlook as well, not to mention the many other enterprise software packages that people love to loathe.
I think one of the keys here is that eProductivity allows users to personalize and customize their IBM Lotus Notes experience. Without needing IT assistance, users can get Lotus Notes to work the way they want to work. In other words, this is another example of the "consumerization of the enterprise" that puts choice back in the end-users hands, engaging and empowering them. Prior to eProductivity, this wasn't possible for end-users of Lotus Notes.
Additionally, the world-class information management tools in eProductivity, powered by GTD, just flat out work. They deliver great results as evidenced by other results from the survey telling us about time savings, empty inboxes, and reduction of stress.
Now that we've launched eProductivity Stand-alone - which requires literally just a couple of clicks to install - and the free Essentials Edition, we expect this trend to continue. It's even more of a no-brainer for users to personalize their Lotus Notes with the right tools.
And, more choice in Lotus Notes users hands + using the right tools = greater satisfaction.
Hey, we might even seen sites like this one boom in popularity. IBM would welcome that, right?
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