This marketing video from March shows a portion of IBM's vision for Verse:
Keep in mind that this is a marketing video, so the real Verse may or may not perform as shown.
So far, it appears to be a web-based front end to IBM Connections, Domino-based mail, and other IBM collaboration tools. It is unclear, at present, how many of these tools will be required to experience the features shown in the video.
It looks like Verse is big on sharing and collaboration, but less so on personal productivity -- that is, actually getting work done. My research and work with thousands of people has shown me that, no matter the collaboration, knowledge work is inherently personal.
In this area, Verse has less to offer.
Verse does add a form of the "Waiting For" from David Allen's Getting Things Done, which is a positive step. I'm looking forward to seeing their next video and, of course, to seeing the real product in action when it ships.
P.S. Here are Hogne Pettersen's thoughts on Verse as "promiseware" competing with Microsoft.

Discussion/Comments (3):
IBM Verse is an integrated offering in the IBM Connections Cloud portfolio, which incorporates not just email and calendar, but enterprise social networking features such as activity/task management, social bookmarking, group collaboration spaces, social file-sharing, discussion forums, wikis, real-time document co-editing, instant messaging, and numerous other capabilities that make employees more productive. See for more details.
Eric Mack ( 5/20/2015 1:17:18 PM
From your description Adam, it would appear that Verse is just a new front end for existing collaboration tools. While I can appreciate the integration and the ability to make it easier to access tools across the IBM portfolio, the question remains just how productive will it help users become. I'm sure that won't be evident for some time when it all works as advertised in the video and when sufficient studies can be done.
Tanny O'Haley (): 5/21/2015 9:08:50 AM
The comment sounds like marketing speak. How will IBM Verse help me in my daily life?