I read this morning that Alan Lepofsky has left IBM for Socialtext. As a friend of Alan's it both exciting and saddening to read this announcement. Alan's influence on me personally was one of the contributing factors in my decision to launch this blog by this title. Although I had no prior knowledge I have often wondered if Alan would not be more satisfied working for a smaller company. It always seemed that each time I spoke with him in person that he had more ideas and passion than he could comfortably convey through his blog or current position at IBM. Apparently Alan had those same thoughts as well.   IBM's loss is Socialtext's gain. I admit that, secretly, I was hoping someday eProductivity would be large enough to attract the likes of an Alan or Ed. It still is. I can think of few who had done a more exemplary job at building a sense of community around the Lotus product line.  Alan, I wish you the very best of success in all of your endeavors and I look forward to learning more about their products as I continue to read your blog.

All is not lost

Fortunately, the Lotus community still has Ed Brill to carry the torch for all things Notes and Domino and to act as our dedicated FUDBuster against attacks of misinformation. Please continue on, Ed!

What about those valuable Notes tips Alan used to share?

Alan's departure leaves a big hole in the Notes community in terms of sharing valuable insights on using Lotus Notes productively. For those of you that follow my blogs, you know that I often tip my hat to Alan's informative how-to posts. We share a common passion for helping people get Notes.  I've often considered the idea of asking Alan if I could syndicate some of his content here at Notes on Productivity to expand the reach of his blog, but he's done just fine so far without my help. As eProductivity launches this month, I plan to step up my own blogging about using Lotus Notes productively and perhaps share in the valuable service which Alan provided to the Notes community.

Alan, on behalf of many grateful Notes users around the world, thank for your service! I wish you the best of success!

Discussion/Comments (3):

Ian Randall (): 7/9/2008 5:08:47 PM
Congratulations, Alan Lepofsky and thanks for your contribution and dedication to the Lotus Community

I guess this means that you don't subscribe to the conspiracy theory that Alan and Ed are actually the same person?

Eric Mack (http://www.EricMackOnline.com): 7/9/2008 5:15:56 PM
Alan and Ed Conspiracy Theory

No, not any more. I have a photo of the three of us at ILUG so I know it's not true.

At least I think it's not true.


Alan Lepofsky (http://www.alanlepofsky.net): 7/9/2008 5:48:35 PM
Congratulations, Alan Lepofsky and thanks for your contribution and dedication to the Lotus Community

Eric, thank you very much for the kinds words. While I agree, I won't be able to "fight the good fight" for Notes/Domino internally at IBM any longer, I do want to point out that I don't intend to disappear. I hope to still contribute tips and tricks about using Lotus products, as well as of course talking a lot about Socialtext, community, web 2.0, productivity, etc. Don't count me out just yet! ;-) As far as where, what blog, etc... too early to tell. I guess that is a good question for the community which I should ask on my blog, should I have a new domain for Lotus related content, and have alanlepofsky.net be different things. More thoughts on that when the dusts settles...

PS, I'm flattered that you;d want me to work for you.

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