Today's Fortune Small Business section of CNN Money Magazine has an article entitled Getting Things Done guru goes digital by Chris Taylor. Chris briefly touches on David's productivity toolkit: Lotus Notes + eProductivity + SmartPhone:
Allen currently uses a customized version of IBM's Lotus Notes for PC, which he calls his e-productivity suite. It syncs automatically with his phone, so he can add notes on the go. Allen isn't planning to commercialize e-productivity anytime soon, though. And he's wary of most to-do-list software on the market.Chris got it mostly right. David Allen does use Lotus Notes for collaboration and personal productivity - he started with Notes 3 -- and eProductivity is the solution that tursn Lotus Notes into his ultimate personal productivity tool. David's wary of most to-do-list software because most that we have looked at (and we've examined well over 125 apps) don't appear to "get" the fundamental principles of task management at the personal level. (That's why out of the hundreds of to-do-list apps, there are only two that are certified as "GTD-Enabled.")
If you are a reader of this blog and for some reason you've not yet clued in to the fact that I think Lotus Notes is a powerful tool for getting things done, I encourage you to investigate further. You're in for a real treat!
Discussion/Comments (1):
how does notes integrate into a company that uses Exchange and Outlook?
Would you recommend changing (only one user) as a test bed?