I've been a long-time fan of the Palm Treo SmartPhone due to the simplicity of its applications and the extensive integration I have done with Lotus Notes. As I look forward to 2009, I've decided to evaluate a few new mobility platforms and the Bold is at the top of the list.
I recently decided to move to the BlackBerry Bold 9000 as my mobile computing platform. I have a collection of mobile devices, including Palms, Treos, Nokias, and as of yesterday, a shiny new BlackBerry Bold 9000 which I plan to integrate into Lotus Notes. I selected the Bold over the Storm primarily for two reasons: 1) I want a device that is as well suited for information input as it is for retrieval, and 2) I need a device with WiFi support. (No network coverage where I live.)
I'm most apprehensive about the task management capabilities of the Bold. 60% of our eProductivity for Lotus Notes users have a Blackberry and many of them have reported success with a number of add-in tools that claim to bring BlackBerry task management more in-line with the principles of GTD. We'll see. I've seen some pretty poor excuses for list managers, but I'm optimistic that I can find a solution that will complement eProductivity and Notes well. Meanwhile, if you have switched to the BlackBerry from a Treo and you are using David Allen's GTD methodology, I'd like to hear about your experience.
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