I recently had the wonderful opportunity to interview
Harlan Hugh and Shelley Hayduk of
The Brain Technologies at their offices in beautiful Marina Del Rey, California. Also joining me, was my colleague and KM expert,
Steve Barth.
Personal Brain is an amazing tool for mapping your brain. You might even call it a true mind mapping tool. Listen to the podcast and you hear why I think so. I plan to make The Brain a key component to my personal knowledge management toolkit so I expect that I'll return to visit Shelly and Harlan again. If you have comments or questions, post away. I'm not sure that I can or will answer all of them but perhaps some of my other readers will.
This is the first of a two-part interview with Harlan and Shelley. It's also a first for me, as I recorded it on my shiny new
Sony ICD-MX20 digital recorder. I hope you enjoy this segment. I'll post part two shortly. Enjoy!
Discussion/Comments (5):
Thanks Eric, great interviews!
Chinarut (http://www.chinarut.com): 10/5/2007 12:11:02 PM
hey - looking at the embedded video - have you experimented with fully self containing GTD in the Personal Brain?
I'd love to play with an export of a GTD brain "template" (shell?) if you have!
Eric Mack (www.ica.com): 10/8/2007 4:02:03 PM
I do not use the Brain for GTD - at least not for tracking my lists. I'm sure the Brain would work well, as I showed in the quick demo, however, I frequently move from machine to machine and the Brain won;t yet do that for me as easily as Lotus Notes. I understand, however, that there are several people who successfully use The Brain for their GTD implementation. You may want to contact The Brain technologies to see if they can refer you to someone. The demo you saw in the video was created in less than a minute, using The Brain.
ingrid (): 11/28/2007 10:56:05 PM
I've attended the eProductivity in Manila. I'm encouraged by this topic mind mapping. This will help me to plan, organize things and to get things done. Thank you Eric!
Emelie Douf (): 6/20/2011 2:12:21 AM
i must thank eric too! eProductivity seminar was absolutely helpfull for me as well. Keep good work :)