Chris Blatnick posted a comment that said that Notes/Domino 8.51 will include native Lotus Traveler support for the iPhone but it is unclear if this will provide the features that Kelly needs.
As far as I know, one problem that business users face with the iPhone, at least from a GTD perspective, is that the iPhone does not support tasks. So, unless Lotus Traveler 8.51 adds a Task app to the iPhone, Kelly will still not achieve the level of productivity she seeks.
To give Kelly her ultimate GTD system, she needs::
1. Lotus Notes - Got that
2. eProductivity - Got that
3. iPhone - Got that
4. An on-device task application - It must sync with Notes. (See #5)
5. A way to sync tasks (#4) with Lotus Notes - Traveler? mNotes?
Now that you have seen the list of requirements, do you have any recommendations?
Read: Kelly Forrister: New iPhone feature for Lotus Notes?
Note to iPhone software vendors: If you have a product that meets requirements #4 and #5 I invite you to post a comment and link here. Everyone else: please don't flood the blog comments with advertisements for your iPhone products unless they meet requirements #4 and #5. Thank you!
Discussion/Comments (14):
I believe this maybe talking to the notes function on the iphone, and syncing notes (txts) you create on the iPhone with your PC/Mac.
Though, IBM released an announcement last year around Lotus Notes and iPhone but I havent seen much after it.
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John Bowersox (http://john.bsox.us): 6/15/2009 5:00:03 AM
I know that IBM has plans to support the iPhone, but I can't remember where they are with actually making that available.
I have been using an application called Notes Pro for Lotus Notes on my iPod Touch for a few months now and the investment was certainly worth it to at least carry my Lotus Notes data around with me. There are some caveats that unfortunately don't allow the solution to be perfect, but for the price it is well worth it until IBM gets something formally working -
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Volker Weber (http://vowe.net): 6/15/2009 6:42:47 AM
Notes sync refers to iPhone Notes app, not Lotus Notes.
Chris Blatnick (http://interfacematters.com): 6/15/2009 9:57:17 AM
I got a little over excited in my comment to Kelly and indeed in this first version at least, we won't be syncing tasks because there's not a corresponding app on the iPhone. Sorry if I got some hopes up. :-(
I'm glad you posted this, though, because it does bring up some good questions, especially #4 and #5.
Eric Mack (www.ica.com): 6/15/2009 10:03:37 AM
Chris, I knew you were wrong on that one (sorry). I have been chasing IBM & Apple on this for over a year. I don;t think they understand task management at least not from a GTD perspective. I fault Apple here. I don't know why even a consumer device would not learne from devices that came before it. Palm set the standard when it comes to device-based task management and yet we have devices from Apple, RIM, and Nokia and WinMobile that ignore this element of knowledge worker productivity..
Kelly Forrister (http://www.DavidCo.com/blogs/kelly): 6/15/2009 1:14:21 PM
Thanks to both of you. Yes, Tasks is a critical component along with the calendar. Believe it or not, email is of less interest. For my GTD system, Tasks and Calendar come first.
Eric Mack (http://www.EricMackOnline.com): 6/16/2009 9:14:44 AM
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No idea if they support tasks, though. I have recommended and used mNotes by Commontime with great success.
Eric Mack (http://www.EricMackOnline.com): 7/8/2009 4:11:11 PM
I have NOT verified this, but apparently Sybase and Commontime now offer new solutions to sync an iPhone with Lotus Notes and it appears that they support tasks.
I have used both products with the Palm Treo and was very pleased. I have no experience with these new versions or the iPhone, so I cannot comment.
I hope this helps.
Paul Horan (): 4/13/2010 7:30:39 AM
Sybase's Mobile Office supports the iPhone, WinMo, Symbian, and Palm. Android is on the roadmap for this year.
MO 5.7 supports Domino and Exchange, and has a secure (i.e., sandbox) native client on the iPhone. E-Mail, calendar, contacts, and tasks/to-dos are fully supported.
Magnus Toth (http://Http://apps.cikado.com): 7/18/2011 3:01:19 PM
The NotesF1 To Do app will sync Notes To Do's with any iOS device without any other software required. NotesF1 simply uses Traveler server and thats all. NotesF1 will give use offline support and many more things. Chack out our website and try the free version of NotesF1 To Do.
Eric Mack (www.ica.com): 7/18/2011 3:31:40 PM
Hello Magnus, Thanks for sharing the news about your product. I have heard good things about your product and look forward to evaluating it soon, so that I can post an update on this blog. - Eric
Roland Reddekop (http://www.blacks.ca): 8/2/2011 7:31:20 AM
I've purchased NotesF1 To Do and found it does do what it says. It syncs Tasks from Notes to iPhone, even from an eProductivity database. One caveat is to not edit the body/notes field, especially if you have Rich Text or attachments on the Notes side or these will be overwritten with plain text on syncing. You can change any other field and it seems to safely update. The only other usability issue(and I hope Cikado is listening here), is to make the iPhone app more GTD friendly by creating a "Today" view or category in the by date view (tasks due today). Also, I wish the application had a preference setting to remember your preferred view so I could have it open in the By Date view and remember to return to this view after you add or edit a task. I have to constantly reselect the By Date view and scroll down.
Good app, just needs some tweaking.
Roland Reddekop (http://www.blacks.ca): 8/3/2011 5:57:23 PM
One more change I'd like to see in NotesF1 is a search/filter feature to find the task you're looking for. When you have hundreds of tasks, locating the one you want is time-consuming.
Magnus Toth (http://apps.cikado.com): 8/16/2011 10:27:26 AM
Hi Roland,
We will add your wishes to our customer whish list.
I can also tell you that the Android version of NotesF1 To DO was released today.
Magnus Toth, Product Manager NotesF1 To Do