For the second time in just six months, PCWorld's Robert Strohmeyer writes about making Lotus Notes users more productive. As a follow-up to his article, "master your email so it doesn't master you", Strohmeyer talks about the recent announcement of eProductivity Stand-Alone:
Last week, eProductivity released a new version of the product, eProductivity Stand-Alone, designed for Notes users who lack the administrative permissions to change their mail template. However, like its enterprise-grade cousin, eProductivity Integrated, it still has the ability to turn messages into next actions, set customized contexts, categorize the inbox, and walk you through your weekly review.While he no longer uses Lotus Notes as his primary email system - a point not missed in his article - he's quick to point out that there are many professionals who depend on Notes for the bulk of their daily business communications, calendar tracking, and other essential work stuff.
I should take a moment to say that, while Notes isn't my preferred communications tool, it does happen to be the chosen messaging and calendar platform of a certain Mr. David Allen. And I think it's fair to say that Mr. Allen knows a thing or two about GTD. And when I last spoke to David Allen about his personal toolkit for GTD, he claimed to use eProductivity. So there's a solid recommendation for you.Strohmeyer also mentions the new "Essentials" version of eProductivity that is free and does not require any change to the user's mail file.
I enjoy reading Robert's Smart Productivity articles. I first met Robert at the GTD Summit in San Francisco. He's not only technically minded but he's also an avid GTDer. As a result, I appreciate the fact that he concludes with this recommendation:
If you're a Notes user interested in bringing GTD to your inbox, eProductivity is definitely worth a look.
Source: PCWorld: Productivity Stand-Alone Brings GTD to Lotus Notes
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