Domino in a VM or Docker on a Synology NAS?

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017
I have a low-use Domino server that I want to retire. At the same time, I want to keep some of the Domino databases active for the future to replicate with my Notes client. Again, this is low use - 2 people, possibly 3.

I have a Synology DS918+ NAS which has support for Virtual machines and for Docker. I've been considering either setting up Domino to run in a VM or possible a Docker setup. The Synology NAS

I wonder if anyone reading this blog has experience setting up a Domino Instance in a small VM or in a Docker Instance on a NAS? If so, I welcome any insights you care to share.


I am interested in the suitability of IMSMO in a < 10 user test environment in which the Notes client as well as the Outlook client will be used to manage Mail, Calendar and Tasks in a Mail file on the Domino Server.  

I would like to connect with someone in the Yellowverse who has successfully deployed IMSMO. I need to test something and would value talking with a fellow peer, IBM Champion or IBM business partner.

I'd like to better understand the opportunities and caveats from those who have gone before.

I welcome your comments and feedback based on your experience.



I have a question to ask and a tip to share

I want to move some information contained in an IBM Lotus Notes Notebook (notebook.nsf or journal.nsf) into a Microsoft OneNote file. The documents in my Notebook.nsf contain rich text, attachments and embedded objects -- all of which I would like to preserve in OneNote.

The Notes to Office 365/Outlook migration tools I've found migrate mail/calendar/contacts and some do tasks, but none so far migrate notebook.nsf which is separate from my Notes mail file.

Are you aware of a tool or method to migrate documents from a Lotus Notes Notebook into OneNote other than using "print to OneNote" or Copy/paste for each document?

I would appreciate any tips or recommendations you can share.

You may be able to convert documents in your Notebook.nsf into emails in the mail file. I recently helped a client who was migrating from Notes to Outlook accomplish this. The client had several eProductivity Reference Databases (essentially a GTD enabled notebook.nsf) to convert. I worked with a colleague to create a program to migrate documents from that file into the user's Lotus Notes Mail file as email messages. Our program did all of the conversion, making it a one click operation. When done, the client had a single email in his mail file for each source document in his notebook.nsf. This allowed him to migrate his emails and his Notebook.nsf documents into Outlook (all as emails). From there, the client will have to find a way to move his emails from Outlook into OneNote but I assume there is a path for that.

If you can help with the question above, I would appreciate it.

eProductivity V4

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016
After 10 years of development, eProductivity has proven to be a stable product; however, there's always room for improvement and the occasional fixes. :-)

This release of eProductivity includes many new features to facilitate working with archives as well as various new productivity features.

Here are a few highlights; for more details, see here.

Productivity Features Added
  • To speed up filing emails, the 'Send & File' and 'Move to Folder' menus now display the last three folders you filed into (even if they are in another mail file or archive).

Archiving Features Added

These were created to make archiving easier, especially for users whose organizations use automatic archiving. These will help you better manage your information and protect your active work from being archived without your knowledge:
  • The Archiving view has been updated to make it even easier for you to see and archive completed items while protecting incomplete items.
  • Easily archive and restore folders: New buttons in folders in Mail and Archives will allow you to:
    the current folder (including subfolders) to an archive.
    a folder (including subfolders) from an archive back to the Mail file.

I use these feature daily to manage my mail file, by pruning inactive folders full of emails to my archive, yet knowing that if I ever want to restore that folder from my archive I can do so with a single click. This keeps Domino Administrators happy as users have small mail files, yet it keeps users happy because they can find with they want and have it where they want it. The eProductivity Global Search tool also makes it easy to find messages, regardless of whether they are in the mail, archive or an external mail file.

New features in eProductivity Reference

The latest version of eProductivity Reference has added two new features:
  • The Timestamp feature makes it easy to timestamp any entry in the Reference DB. This is similar to the timestamp function in journal entries, but the new Timestamp can be applied to any document in the Reference DB.
eProductivity is free for use on archive files and reference (Notebooks). A free essentials version is also available. Details

Domino Server on Raspberry Pi

Saturday, October 3rd, 2015
I have a Domino server which I've kept on the shelf for the past 10 years because it runs a legacy application that I use occasionally. It's been running just fine -- nonstop -- for more than a decade. It doesn't need much processing power nor does it need much disk space. I've thought about how I might preserve it and keep it running and I have considered using either a VM or a mini ATX server.

Last year, Hackaday, one of my favorite hacking sites, had an article on how to load a limited version of Linux on a Linksys Router. That got me thinking that it would be cool to have a Domino server inside of a Linux router sitting on my bookshelf.

That reminded me of a post by Daniel Nashed about running Domino an on Xbox.
Small computers have come a long way since then, so I've been thinking about what it would take to run a Domino server on a Raspberry Pi.

Why would I want to do that? 1) Because it just well may be possible, and 2) to allow a seldom used dedicated Domino server app to continue its life in a low power machine.

A quick Google search did not turn up anything but I'm sure someone much smarter than me has had this same idea.

It's possible to mount a USB hard drive on a Raspberry Pi and even SD cards have plenty of storage so that shouldn't be an issue.

I found this blog that documents how to install Lotus Domino 8.5 on Ubuntu which may be helpful (or not).

I'm not a Linux guy, but I did manage to set up Ubuntu once on an old ThinkPad. I'm not afraid of learning something new, though. No idea if I will build this but I might try, just to see what can be done. (If you have links to share, either on getting started with Linux or working with Domino on Linux, please share in the comments.)

So, I post this idea to the YellowVerse to see what conversation or links it may generate.