As you may know, we completed the eProductivity beta program in early January, 2008 and for the past six months we have been doing pilot programs with various companies around the world. Now, we are getting ready to share eProductivity with the public. (I know, it's been a long time.)

People in the pilot program tell us that they recover up to 30-minutes each day in time spent processing their email or managing their projects and actions. They also love the Weekly Review Coach that we have built into eProductivity. I think it's the ultimate GTD® implementation tool for Lotus Notes; however, don't take my word for it. I'll leave that for you to decide. I’m about ready to push the GO button and formally launch the commercial version of eProductivity.
Before I do, I want to make sure that our end-user download and evaluation process is easy to understand. I’ve decided to invite the first 100 people that respond to participate in a 24-hour preview of eProductivity.
If this sounds interesting to you, read on…
How the 24-hour preview will work:
1. Sign up for the 24-hour preview of eProductivity
2. Next week, I will send the preview kit to the first 100 people that respond.
3. You will be asked to share your feedback and initial impressions.
4. I will send a free evaluation key to those that respond with detailed feedback.
If you want to experience eProductivity for yourself and you are willing to help us get ready for the public launch, I hope to hear from you.
Eric Mack
PS. I appreciate that it takes time to review a product and write up feedback about your user experience. For the people that choose to send us detailed feedback with comments, I will enter them into a drawing for free licenses of eProductivity.
Discussion/Comments (9):
As one of the Pilot users, you will be well served to sign up for this offer. eProductivity has had a very positive impact for me. I have easily gained 20 to 30 minutes per day.
In addition to saving time, at the end of the day, my e-mail is at zero, I have all my 'stuff' in my system, and I am in control of what am I working on and more importantly what I chose to not work on but still have on my radar screen.
Eric has created a great tool for us Notes and GTD lovers.
Eric Mack ( 6/26/2008 6:24:21 PM
I appreciate your kind words. I've been saving your testimony for our product launch, but since you posted a comment, thank you!
We have already had 15 signups in the past 30 minutes so we are off to a good quiet start.
Thanks again.
PS. Check your mailbox early next week ; version 1.67.1 really adds several neat features!
Michael Sampson ( 6/26/2008 7:04:44 PM
Way to go Eric! I've been looking forward to this day for a long time! I am delighted that you are now at this point.
Eric Mack ( 6/26/2008 7:07:40 PM
Thank you for your encouragement and your prayers, Michael, it's been a long journey. I'm blessed to have an incredible team of people to work with at eProductivity. There remains much to do, but I'm excited about moving forward. eProductivity has totally transformed the way that I get things done. I hope that these eProductivity will have the same impact on others as it has had for me and the many people in the pilot program. Now, we shall find out! -Eric
Dave Walczak (): 6/26/2008 6:46:11 PM
I'm all tingly in anticipation of the next update...
Eric Mack ( 6/26/2008 8:42:04 PM
If you run a Lotus Notes or GTD/Productivity related blog or you think this information would be of interest to your readers, please feel free to blog about it. If you do, post a response so that others can find your blog.
Richard Schwartz ( 6/28/2008 1:07:48 PM
What are the requirements for Notes client and Domino server versions?
Eric Mack ( 6/29/2008 8:19:50 AM
Hi Richard, the specs are on the information page, which maybe found here:
This is a client-side application. So any version of Domino will do.
Jamie (): 7/11/2008 11:42:39 AM
I am very anxious to dive into the new release. However, I was a bit confused on the process to be a part of the 24 hour eval and obtan the download.
Here is what I think I knew...
1) I received your email requesting a response and the first 100 responder would be included.
2) I followed a link that you sent which was to:
{ Link }
I completed the informtion on that page and pressed SUBMIT.
3) I receved an email from you on June 29 which included the following:
"If you have not yet sent in your signed preview request, do not delay. As of today, there are just a few more preview kits remaining. The cutoff is tomorrow evening."
As I was writing this blog entry....It dawned on me to actually see if any of your emails including an attachment....and shazam! I just emailed the signed form back to you. Thank you for all your effort in making this happen....jsut hoping I didn't miss your boat during my confused state.
Discussion for this entry is now closed.