IBM Provided the opportunity for speakers to sign up for a coaching session with Bill Chuck, aka BCzar guy, so I signed up. Thank you, IBM!

Bill and I met for an hour and I ran through the presentation deck that I created with David for our Lotusphere presentation. It was very helpful to have Bill play audience and provide feedback from a positioning and audience perspective. My big takeaway was about meeting people where they are in light of the current economy. This was a good point and one that works well considering our topic. David and I will show folks how to get more from their Notes investment by thinking differently about the tools they use and how Notes can be a powerful tool for personal knowledge and action management. My biggest concern going in was the # of slides we have to present and the short amount of time. Given the choice between cutting out 20 slides or running longer (perhaps with a shorter Q&A session) I wonder what would be better? I'll try to prepare for both options and talk with our track chair. We're the last session for the day, so perhaps we can have some flexibility.

Anyway, I highly recommend Bill Chuck's coaching. if you are a presenter and have not signed up, I encourage you to do so. Bill's web site is

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