I enjoy my friendship with Bruce Elgort. No doubt he's had an impact on my personally and professionally for many years. Now, as he moves to a new chapter as a college professor, I enjoy following his adventures in the classroom. As so many in the Yellowverse (Oops, it's blue now It will always be yellow for me) have said, Bruce was instrumental in many initiatives - not only with OpenNTF but with IdeaJam and others. I want to thank you publicly, Bruce, for your many years of dedicated and fruitful service to the Lotus/IBM community. I wish you many more fruitful years in your new endeavors. I'm glad you're not dead and gone yet. ;-)
Discussion/Comments (1):
Thank you for your blog post and in particular the picture. This is the day that you and I met for the very first time. In fact, I remember having breakfast with you that morning in the lobby of the hotel in Las Vegas.
Eric you have also been an excellent mentor to me over the years and I look forward to our continued friendship and brotherhood in the future.
With warm regards,
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