I've coached a lot of Lotus Notes users, and hardly any of them even knew that Notes has bookmarks! Maybe because it's hidden under a really weird name, as you'll see below.

1. Turn on bookmarks

To do this, open the "View" menu and select "Dock the Open List." I know that doesn't make any sense, but I just deliver the mail.

Turn on IBM Lotus Notes Bookmarks

2. Create new bookmarks

In addition to the default bookmarks, you can create your own. To do that, just click the tab you want to bookmark, hold down the mouse button, and drag the tab onto the bookmarks bar:

Create IBM Lotus Notes Bookmarks

And there's your new bookmark!

Create new IBM Lotus Notes Bookmarks

3. Turn on large icons

Let's face it, we're not getting younger, so using larger bookmark icons can really help. Just right-click the bookmarks bar and select "Use Large Icons."

Bookmarks 3.jpg

'Til next time!


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Discussion/Comments (2):

Carl Tyler (http://www.iminstant.com): 3/6/2015 8:29:25 AM
Three steps to use Bookmarks in IBM Lotus Notes

Also, you can drag program icons from windows star menu into the notes bookmark bar.

Discussion for this entry is now closed.